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A member registered Dec 07, 2019

Recent community posts

Why, hello there! It's, uh, been a while lol—gosh, I missed so many updates, how dare I! First of all, how you guys doing? Everyone safe? Hydrated?  Things are kinda reckless nowadays, so I hope everyone is alright.

I just saw the e-mail about a new update and I couldn't be more excited! I'm almost jumping around like a little kid.

Expect another comment from me very soon! a much longer one .3.

(1 edit)

Oh my, hello again! How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is well and I'm sorry for being a little late!

First of all, I just want to express how sad I am for living in the southern hemisphere, but I hope you guys have fun at the Indie Megabooth and meet a lot of people so you can know how much OL is loved by us! Maybe someday I'll be able to go to an event the GBPatch team will be, although its hardly unlikely. Oh well, never say never I guess.

Okay, let's finally talk about what really matters! To be honest, I was expecting – quite selfishly tho – an expansion to Step 2 but I was met with something much greater! So many details and I have only played the Direct Crush Route, probably will play other combinations tomorrow, it's kinda late here already and someone forgot to do her math and physics homework.

A N Y W A Y S. The Character Creation Screen looks really good! I was surprised to see how many extra options got added, such as the birthmarks and the scars. I promised myself to not make any question, but I do have one about the latter, if at Step 1 the MC does not have any scars but at Step 2 they do, will be there any reaction to it? Any character asking how that happened or even that stare (especially for those on the face)?

To me, the most interesting thing about the game is how realistic the scenarios are, like when MC meets Cove's dad for the first time and the mention of their mothers warning them about strangers and when they call him so that Lizzie can apologize for fighting with Cove. 

Loved the two-colored hair and the eyes shapes/colors. I was smiling the whole time I was customizing my MC, who, by the way, is now officially named Ishan Vieira — cute, short and a social butterfly. I don't regret using one of my last names for him, sounds good.

When Jeramy was first introduced I already disliked him so being able to almost beat him was satisfying, although I'm kinda worried about the possible outcome of my actions. Also, will we be hearing more of him after Step 2?

This might be the first game I have ever considered buying the DLC, so now I'm even more excited about the full release! Still, it depends how much it will be on my country's currency — I'm already seeing the many digits.

That's all for now, thank you and I apologize for the huge comment! You guys are, like always, doing a really good job! I love y'all very much!

It will always be a pleasure to express my admiration towards OL! 

Yesterday I found this song called The Reason I Wanted To Die by Mika Nakashima i know, it sounds really sad and it kinda is but hear me out and some verses (such as the ones about the seagulls, the waves and even the one about an apricot tree) reminded me of the games, as well as bringing me some questions. It is said in some part of the demo, right before we set our relationship with Cove if I'm not mistaken, that the player is not able to like him less – that's what's bugging me a little but in a good way. Is there a possibility of them (MC and Cove) drifting apart?

I'm sorry, let me explain my train of thought. Let's imagine a route where MC and Cove are childhood friends, cute little pair, but as the years go by they become more distant to each other — change of mindsets or circle of friends, interests, etc — until their friendship is not as strong as a few years back. What happens next would be up to the player when the next relationship set screen appears: their relationship could stay the way it is or be back to the buddy-buddy stuff maybe then the crush option?

I'm not sure if my explanation is good, does it makes any sense? 

Anyway, is not something that needs to be answered if it conflicts with any plan made for the game.

i feel like an annoying fangirl right now omg, im sorry 

(3 edits)

Sooo. . . I forgot both my email and password, so I made another account :D and here I am! I used to be mythvs, not relevant for you guys, just wanted to say that.

Oh boy, I absolutely love this game. Of all the VN I have played, Our Life seems to have a special place in my heart that I cannot explain. Such a well-written plot and amazing character development, I played it so many times while selecting different choices combination just to see what would change, had so much fun trying to figure out which ones would make Cove's appearance/personality change — really cute boy, love his shy demeanor. I'm till a sucker for childhood-friends-to-lovers.

Also, Derek is such a sweetheart, he reminds me of an overly excited puppy. I absolutely love how he, and everyone else, just accept MC for who they are when their pronouns change, really heartwarming.

The height choices were a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. As a tall girl, not being the generic 5'5 (female) MC is surely refreshing, but the concept of a romance between a really short MC and tall boi Cove is sound really cute to me.

I remember saying something about hoping my name gets to be the voiced ones and gUESS WHAT??? It didn't. However, Nina is actually one of my nicknames, so close enough! I'm really happy.

You guys are doing a really good job! I love y'all very much!