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Thank you! Sadly, that is a "bug" we introduced right at the end of the game jam.
Going to upload a new version once the game jam results are public.

Results are finished now! You got first! :3 I'm 20th, I think a couple of games were removed from the ranking though?? I was previously 22nd, they might have just been checking things.

Scores are not public yet.
You're referring to most rated, wich doesn't mean anything.

Games get scored based on average votes.
We'll know the ranks at 5pm (UK time) on wednesday.

Ah, I thought it automatically updated things that way, my mistake :3 best wishes! Still honestly a bit weird that after the voting closed two games were removed?

They are not removed. It seems like they got rate bombed and those rates were removed, but it's still not clear exactly what happend there.
