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"Ugly" UGLY?! I happen to think Barrel-boi is rather hot, and most outcomes in this game can be changed in regards to versatility.

I agree! Barrel is definitely hot! However I think this person's opinions have been changed due to them wanting logan to be a top and barrel changing his ideas of topping.

(4 edits)

ugly in the nasty sense if you prefer ...^^'. I like him too. And yes I know well for versatility, and that's one of the reasons I love this game. Just that Logan submitted, his bizzare remains, seen the character. After, it's just my opinion, everyone has the right to have their opinion.

I know that's kinda what I meant you had your opinions of barrel because of things and we have ours! You can like what you wish and dislike what you want as well. We may have different ideas but that's just a part of life!

I totally agree. And then if everyone always loved the same thing, life would not be fun. :)

yea that's true life would be boring if only the same thing was made every day lol