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I've got way to many things to deal with right now, barely got a chance to work at all last week which is why I decided to skip last saturdays devlog. And the notion of having a good december is long gone. ;) But one day I will get the Zordak gear going smoothly again. Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)

Very sorry for the late reply on this, it's been hectic & distracting x.x

Just wanted to say that I have faith in you, and I know I'm not alone in that. The only ones who'd lynch you for not working on it would be the ones who don't understand how much work it takes.

You take as long as you need to get back to this.

Oh yeah, and happy new decade :3

Hey, it's completely fine and I definitely appreciate you having faith in me. (and everyone else who does)

There's just way too many problems with my life, and it only seems to get worse with time so it's hard having faith in myself.

That's one reason why everything related to this game is going slow right now.

Anyway, I'll stop here before it gets even more depressing, thanks for the kind words.

I just have to bring this up, because it strikes too much of a chord with something I've been working on for over 3 years (And unlike Zordak, I can guarantee it isn't going to be worth the wait).

You're talking to someone with chronic depression & anxiety since a very early age (We're talking Primary/Grade school). Believe me, I know what you mean. Through all the problems I'm dealing with all the time, there are friends out there who have tried all they can to change my mind about this exact topic, and how I feel the exact same way because of the same kind of reasons.

Understandably, they've given up on the moral side of it (They just can't get through to me), and it's up to me to keep going. Or should I say, it's up to us.

I know it's a very cold, dark & spaceous feeling, like being stuck in a giant cavern without a light. But for whatever it's worth, please remember that these depths are your own, and you can use it to some kind of very twisted advantage, no matter how impossible that might seem at times. It's all yours to explore, despite that sounding & feeling like the least appealing deal I could mention. Probably even sounds like the worst part, I know. But as much as it will not seem this way (Seriously), it's a lot more linear than you'd think... Kinda ties back to the whole 'Cavern without a light' thing. It's deceiving because of how much it can make you stagger with where you're going, or even just stop in your tracks & feel completely adrift.

I'm not trying to presume what's inside your head, but I do know what this kind of stuff does to someone. Believe me, I know. I can't offer a fix-all trick, because that doesn't exist. Hopefully I can just give a bit of insight to help you on your way.

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time replying to this.

I had a giant post written up about my situation but I ultimately decided that it would probably not be in my best interest to post that thing here.

If you really want to know then send me an email to the address listed on my twitter:

(not posting the actual address here in attempt to reduce spam emails, no clue if it actually works..)

I want you to know though that I understand what you are saying and this is exactly one of the problems, ultimately it's up to me to fix it, and as you probably know, that is near impossible because of how this all works.

I am so sorry for going this long without responding. It's not because I've suddenly gotten bored or anything. It's because after struggling through the entire of 2019 to get anywhere with my own work, I finally found a gear & have most certainly made use of that.

If you could hold on for but a while longer, I should be very briefly showing up on Twitter at either the end of febuary or early next month. I just want to get the hurdle I'm dealing with out of the way first.

I know it's still a wait, and if that's simply too long, please let me know & I'll do something about it sooner. I may be in gear with my own stuff, but I want to make sure you're okay as well.

Really glad to see more updates from you, and I will be checking those out soon. But in the meantime, just remember; You hang in there, and I really do have faith in you. You got this.


It's fine and I'm fine, you don't have to be sorry or worry about that.

You don't have to send an email either if you don't want to.

All I really meant with the other post was that I didn't really know what to say and everything I tried to say I didn't want to post this publicly.

Just keep working on your stuff, it's more important than this. :)

Really hope you're still doing okay, While I'm busy sorting my own issues out, I don't see this kind of thing as unimportant. It's just there's a lot to do. However, I get what you're saying & this isn't about dragging things out in public comments.

If you're okay for now, that's all the better & I'm wholeheartedly rooting for the situation to only improve.

Please just be assured of one thing, for whatever it's worth; I may be scarcely around right now, but I'm not going away.


Yeah, it's all good here.

I've got endless amounts of work myself so I understand there's a lot to do. :)

Thanks for caring though, I definitely do appreciate it.

And I hope you're doing good yourself! :)


Certainly can't complain right now, for progress is what it is :)

Really glad to be a friendly voice of support. I know how that can go a long way sometimes.