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The changes you've made to this software are just astounding!!! And those extensions are great, too! I hope you don't mind if I make a couple of suggestions:

- Could there be a way to have thumbnails of .pxo files in the file browser? I have a lot of files and I think it would be great to see a thumbnail without having to actually open the file to see what's in it.

- Currently, I'm not able to move the color picker pop up in Gradient Map effects out of the way so that I can pick colors from the canvas or palette.

- Merging two layers with different opacity gives a wrong result. Put a color on a layer at <100% opacity, then make another layer on top with a different color and also <100% opacity to reproduce this.

- It would be great to have a way to flatten all layers without having to merge them individually or exporting and then re-importing a .png. Even better if one can merge only visible layers!

- The ability to zoom and pan in the Effects preview window would be a welcome relief! Or even making it possible to see changes on the canvas in realtime just like in Layer Effects.

- Possibility of importing .gifs?

I'm using Pixelorama 1.0.3-dev on Linux Mint.

I'd really like to thank your team for all the hard work!

Hello, thank you for the feedback!
- We could look into creating a custom file browser that has thumbnails, but for now you can enable native file dialogs from the Edit menu, Prefrences, under the Interface category. This option will use your operating system's file browser.
- This will be fixed in the next update!
- This is an interesting observation. Right now, when merging two layers together, the layer above keeps its opacity, and the layer below also keeps its own opacity, which makes the top layer appear to have less opacity than it used to. What would be the correct behavior instead?

The rest of the ideas all sound useful and we're noting them for the future. For .gif importing, it's technically already possible if you have FFMPEG installed, and you put its path in the Preferences, under the Startup category, but eventually we'd like to add .gif importing without having to rely to FFMPEG.


Whoops, looks like I had replied on the wrong thread, sorry!

I made a small test for opacity.

A is two separate overlapping layers: Blue Blob - layer opacity 72%, on top of Red Blob, layer opacity 65%. There is a separate Background layer, White, Layer opacity 100%. There are no layer effects on any of the layers.

I duplicated the two colored layers to make B, which I then merged into one layer. As you can see, the Blue Blob in B becomes much lighter than it originally was and the color where the two blobs overlap also becomes lighter. If I switch the layer order, Red Blob layer over Blue Blob layer, the reverse happens and Red Blob becomes much lighter. Would it be possible to merge the two layers and have the new merged layer have the same result as A?

-My OS file browser doesn't show thumbnails of .pxo files, unfortunately.

- I'm glad to hear the color picker issue will be fixed, that's great news!

- I'd like to thank you also for adding Contrast as an effect! You exceeded what I had imagined when I had asked about the feature (adding saturation and RGB sliders!, A tint effect, whaat?!!) Absolutely top-tier work!

- I'm looking forward to the next release, along with @Variable's Index Map effect.

Thank you for the reply! Right now it seems that there is no way to merge the two layers and have them be the same as A, but we will keep this in mind and change it in a future version.