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(1 edit)

Oh I see the bug lul map knowledge should save/loaded but it seems it doesn't. I'll fix it now.

Keeping health to small amount and not causing game over seems kinda great idea. I'll try this for temporarily, implementing this mechanic into Normal mode exclusively.

Rope binding restraint will make player deplete her current stamina for 1/4 when she does some action like throwing or reloading. And yes it currently has a minimal effect to gameplay, since my initial thought was like some restraints can cause game difficulty raising significantly, like leg shackles or armbinder, but some just doesn't.

It can be adjusted for balance such as limiting stamina restoration for half amount of max stamina. I will change if I get more complaints or some good ideas for the rope restraint.


Ver is now up. The bug for minimap is now fixed. Your suggestion for health loss cap is now implemented for Normal and Hard modes.

Excellent. Thank you.