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I started playing the mod at GZDoom version  4.2.4, as Cleric and  already found some bugs:

  1. Blacksmith at Mortila - when I press Use button on him to open trade menu, the game instantly automatically try to buy the default selected weapon (which was serpent staff) and  also in the trading menu  when I pressed  movement keys for  moving through the menu, I also moved forwards or backwards in game, which shouldn´t happen and doesn´t happen  at other traders.
  2. Halling cove - dwarf´ s camp - first, there is a bug that if  I go to dig tunnels before I kill frost maidens  at  Halling cove, I can then automatically progress with following quests taking place in the tunnels before  finishing this one. Which means that later, when I end the quest chain about tunnels in the dwarf´s camp and go back to Halling cove, my character mentions that all  maidens are killed after doing so and when I return back to the quest giver and talk to him, he  gives me  reward and then he asks me to do all the quests which I did previously for him.
  3. Halling cove - dwarf´ s camp - at the quest about finding a dwarf´s wife in the  tunnels near the ancient temple, she has missing sprite. As you can see in the  screenshot below.
  4. Halling cove - dwarf´ s camp - minor one, but when a dwarf was telling me that I am trustworthy enough for them to let me to trade with their traders in their shops, he said it to me as my character instead as him (with yellow text starting with: "Reginald CZ:".
  5. Third day ending too soon probably  - after killing the great dark mage who could destroy Mortila, day ends even when I didn´t rescue the hostages from the another town (forgot its name). And at the next night nothing happens, probably due not me finishing all previous good main quests.


I'm late but a big thanks my friend for all those bugs reports! i'm currently working on fixing all those.. can't believe i did'nt noticed them before.. 

And I have one more bug to report. At optional boss fight with Zaniaryss, at the level "Map 55 - Earth realm - Hall of Zaniaryss", when I started the bossfight, there was some script error (forgot number). After killing Zaniaryss, despise her health  bar dissapearing from HUD, her name stayed there, and the boss music didn´t stop, nor the invisible wall blocking the exit, so I had noclip out of there and of course didn´t get the reward for defeating the boss, whatever it is.

Also I have noticed that the mod has few areas where aside of exploration there is no reason to go (Gorgon territory, temple of forgotten God and the sewers under the second town, forgot its name). There would be nice to have some side quest. Or are these areas for the evil story line, which isn´t implemented yet (aside that creepy NPC in one Mortilla´s house)?

Thanks for the report, i'll fix those as well you are really helpfull. For the areas well.. yes some of them are just there for explorations and rewards.. but the sewers of Halmfolk is for the side story of Halmfolk.. i have yet to work on all those side story quests. Many things are still undone.