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Nice score dude !  :)
Glad you like the gui as well, though from feedback i got, i might change it a bit to have fewer text to have it less cluttered, although i'll probably keep a similar layout for the elements themselves.

As for ports, i'll make the builds for other versions for the complete build, however regarding the android build i'll just have 2 things to figure out before, first is learning how i could make tactile controls for it to be playable on a phone/tablet etc... second is that i'll have no way to test the build myself since i don't have an android device, so i'll probably have to just release builds for this specific version, and fix whatever need be from feedback, hopefully i can make this work :p 

Thanks, still trying, where is the end of the level? xD
It doesn't feel cluttered for me, but it's up to you! :)
As for the Android build, if you have controller support on desktop it works the same on Android. I'm not sure about iOS, but it should work as well.
And, I know not many people have controllers, so you can use the TouchScreenButton node. It's very powerful - but a bit different from the regular Button node.