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I liked the system where you weren’t allowed to mess with the physics once the run had started. Also found all the easter eggs for previous themes :)

The game felt less like building rube goldberg machines and more like guiding a rolling ball down a path. I feel like the dominoes were a good start but would’ve liked to see more interesting pieces to use.

The rotation controls took a little getting used to, I feel like mouse control and the scroll wheel would have been more intuitive.

It was also way too long for a jam game, I don’t think many people are going to finish this one.

Thanks for playing my game!

I tried my best to make puzzles diverse, but in the end it mostly came down to a lack of time to develop! I certainly have a lot more ideas for this concept, I just wish I could've made more in such a short time limit! As for the game's length, I finished development knowing fully well that very few people would actually have the time/patience to fully play through the game, even though there are only 10 puzzles. I believe if I had more time to playtest than I could've refined most of these things.