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Super cool, I don't think I've seen a sci-fi yuri game before. I like the concept a lot, and the communication system is really interesting. The colour scheme looks fantastic, really sells the whole “alien” thing.

(Vague Spoilers:
I liked the twist in the true ending! I could guess what the experiments were for but I didn't realize what effect they'd already had. I wonder what exactly Aari experienced and what she lost.)

Two small text issues I noticed: “I can hear voices filtering in from the nurtrient room” (rather than “nutrient”) and “Aari smiles” being in quotation marks rather than narration.

Also, I didn't realize the game had any sound, and my volume was turned up pretty high, so the door noise scared the heck out of me, lol. Maybe if there were menu noises or there was a quick note about it I wouldn't have been so surprised, just thought I'd let you know.


Thank you very much for playing the game! *bow

Also thank you for noticing the typo. We'll fix them right away.

And, whew, really sorry the sound scared you. >_< We gotta add some sort of ambience so people at least realized there's sound in the game.

Again, thank you very much! :D