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This is pretty good, wish I had the creativity to come up with something like this. Two little things:

- I'd like to see the level somewhere I am at (I was playing from the browser)

- I stuck at the level starting at the bottom and needed to jump 10 step high, but cannot because the mark is only 2 steps above. Maybe there is a trick but it doesn't seem connected to the physics learned from the previous levels. Maybe I am just not clever enough, but I think people give up a game something like this within 60 seconds if they cannot progress or don't see more options to trying with (at least I do), so maybe a hint or more granularity would help there.  (that is the level: 

Thanks for playing!  I'll give you a hint:  The ramp is important!

Nothing discussed ramps before this and there is no indicator and no amount of button mashing with keys (we were told to use) that do anything as far as I could tell. Towel officially thrown.

nm, figured it out.