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For this one, certain characters carried the pairing forward for me. Also, given that one of the options is MEGA NEW, I placed it a bit lower than I otherwise would've, but... The team could easily be #1 for me, because I've got a villainous heart. Muahaha.

Even the pairing in dead last for me is still a good pairing, though; I just asked myself while sorting, who would you wanna read more of interacting off of one another?

And thanks for keeping it open a bit; I got here early, but my schedule has been crazy busy, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were lurkers or off-site readers who missed out on the first one. Keep up the great work!


Thanks! Yup from now on I'll just be keeping the polls open for as long as possible — there's not really a reason to close them except when the choices get outdated . :)