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Great game! I really like the minimilist aesthetic of the game. It feels very clean. I think it could have used some polish, such as feedback when something is purchasable or not, but other than that, I quite enjoyed the visuals of the game. I would have liked some variation in the sounds. Hearing the same loud sound effects over and over got frusterating but I do like how you used the sound effects to signify when the messages were completing their path or getting blocked. Gameplay wise, this might be a me problem, but I always felt like I was struggling to make money. I had trouble getting to the point where the game actually started to scale in pace because everything was so expensive. Perhaps adding some cheaper options at the start that incrementally get more expensive would be helpful and help new players get engaged in the game. All in all, a very impressive game with a lot of potential!

Thanks for the superb feedback! Especially about the game progression, since I wasn't sure how to improve it at first. Adding cheaper early-game options is a great idea!

I had to mute the tab while I was making it because the sounds were killing me. I should have thought about that a bit more!