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Awesome, I love it! Really cool concept for a boss rush. I don’t think I’ve ever played a boss rush where you’re not actually trying to hit the boss, but I think the core mechanic of throwing bananas into the light felt super good. It’s like “indirect combat”, it’s really cool; I might steal that someday…

Boss variety was great too. I was surprised by how much mileage you were able to get from just changing up the movement and projectile patterns between bosses, but each fight felt quite different. The music changing between bosses was great too.

Ended my first run with 17 hits. Tried hard mode, but got taken down by the big gorilla. I might come back to this to conquer hard mode. Also I loved the minimalist UI with the banana in the background for the player’s HP bar. All-around great job! I really enjoyed this one.

Oh please steal! I was trying to think of something that was a little more indirect and "non-violent" in the traditional sense  sooooo this is kind of what came out as a result.  

I also didn't have any real experience with making bosses or a boss rush type mode before so this was a definite learning experience for me. I wish I would've had more time to make more complicated patterns and varieties to the attacks but a lot of my work on the jam consisted of just a  couple of nights during the week.  I was however happy with how it turned out in the end and just glad I was able to submit something into the jam.

17 hits is pretty good! If you get around to trying Hard Mode again best of luck! It's definitely...challenging. Thanks for kind words about the game and acknowledgement about the UI, it's been great getting good feedback about that. And thanks again for playing!