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I'm going through the exact same thing since I writing a novel and even though I'm almost done, life, mood, and this 'blaming yourself for non being productive while doing nothing' circle is real. Thing is when I'm out, this is the only thing I think of, I'm like 'damn, I want to write, right now' but when I'm home, I'm more often on 9gag or playing a game than writing. Just for you to know that you're not alone in this, and sometimes, those creativity emptiness can be somehow productive, because the moment you create again, you do it with a fresh eye and a big rage.

good luck man, keep it up

your game will be great.


Yeah I know exactly what you're talking about.

You want to work on something, you know you need to work on it, and yet when you try to do it you can't get anything done or you get lost doing something else completely ignoring the fact that you need to work on it.

And that's when you start to get disappointed at yourself for not doing the thing you know you should be doing.

And yes, that is definitely true, coming back from a longer break usually lead to faster and bigger improvements to whatever you're working on.

Thanks for taking the time to read the post and commenting.