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Sorry to hear about your depression and hope you are doing well. Zordak is shaping up to be an excellent game and it's clear that a lot of work and passion has gone into it. The pixel art animation is fantastic and it feels like a perfect homage to the Metroid games. Really glad that you're continuing to work on it.

There's no shame in taking time out if a project it getting you down though. Video game design is an artform and if you're not feeling it, then it's hard to force yourself to do it. Sometimes it's good to take a break, play some games just for fun or even do a small game jam game as a palate cleanser. 

Best wishes and keep up the great work (but don't feel obliged to work!) :)

Yeah I'm fine, no need to worry about that, I just felt like I needed to tell everyone why there's been so much radio silence for a while.

Thanks for the kind words about the game, really appreciate it.

I'm going to finish the game however long it takes, I pretty much owe it to myself at this point.

So expect more updates in the future, the next devlog is probably not going to be that exciting but maybe the one after that, who knows.

Yeah, I know, you need to take a break sometimes.

But sometimes it just feels like a waste of time to take a break, you know you need to finish a project but then you get disappointed at yourself for not working on it, but I get what you mean.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and comment.