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I don't know, either you didn't understand my original point or you are being purposefully disruptful and counterproductive to it. I'll assume no malice, thus the former, and would ask you to kindly read all of which I have already written and think (as in no need to reply) how does that relate to any kind of extremity. For some reason you seem to holding very tightly to this argument that open source is not profitable, when profitability has never even been my point. I am really glad that you are engaged in this conversation with me, but I really think diving into the profitability and "extremety of open source" is missing the point and wasting away our precious thinking time. I would really thank you if you engaged with the actual proposals I've been making and telling how and why they could or could not work, instead of just insisting in "open source is not profitable" "open source has proven to be just a spring board", especially when I am even addressing those specific points in some way or another.

So if you answer this with just more meta discussion I'll just assume malice and give up on maintainig this dialogue with you. And please, if you want to talk about your thoughts on how bad open source is, please create a thread about it somewhere, and let's have fruitful arguments about it somewhere else, but again, it's not the point I am trying to make with this specific post.


Yes, forgive me, I am simply being theoretical for the sake of dispute, I will disengage now.