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Nice album with the organ and chord progressions, good soundscape you created for your tracks.
Outer God's Lullaby : At 1:20 you had a fantastic change of pace building up to something incredible but then you stopped it ?! I think you should've went hard and continue the build up, also add more low end to make it even sinister.

From Where Only Madness Returns: Cool reverse FX (always love those) its a nice soundcape, I just think it needs a bit more motion, very modal but it works the arrangement is well done.

Jailer And Prisoner Alike : A bit more intense than the other track which was nice the only thing I would change is the bass doing at some point was staying modal when you were doing important chord change like at 2:20

Overall I like the vibe its sinister but like a soft sinister,to truly fit the theme I think you can go way harder in the darkness path and make this crazy.  Good job !