"Every world has rules, a world that sets up it's rules and then just breaks them itself isn't worth the time or effort to read about."
So you decided to scientifically explain the the rules of Degraman's world from the demo which is 5 chapters long? =) Wow, nice approach) Many things in the world where we actually live still don't have an explanation - like we still don't know whether God exists and if we came from monkeys or Adam and Eve. Yet you still try to explain the rules of a fantasy world from the demo?)
"If they plan to add an explanation as to how the love thing fits into the science of their world, I would completely support it."
That is just how the things work in that world between quansies. They are unusual creatures with super-powers so their romantic relationships might have their own unusual rules. Why does it need some scientific explanation if many things in the real world can't be explained by science?
"My snark is mostly just a way to point out how ridiculous some of this stuff is. When they do weird stuff with no connection or explanation, things that are unnecessary and have no ties to the plot or story line, honestly it's just annoying. "
I think that in fact it was you who couldn't understand the "connection" :) If you weren't so preconceived and narrow-minded, you would see that most of the things made sense.
And you know what's really ridiculous? How hypocritical you are: writing that you wish all the best for this project and that you're glad that the creators aren't discouraged, yet trying every possible way to offend their game and to discourage them.
If you're trying to sound smart, at least try not to contradict yourself.