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I liked the game and it was very robust and polished. The art and sound design is great, I would play this longer if you had more content, I was looking forward to seeing which direction this is going. I've played stacklands for multiple playthroughs and didn't know about WitchHand haha, I'll check that out. 

Only bug-ish issue I found is if you play in windowed mode, you can drag stuff outside the play area and lose them forever, and you might do that accidentally.

I would love to see you put your unique ideas on this, hopefully you'll continue working on it!

Hey sisuisa! Thanks a lot for playing our game and for sharing your feedback ^^ We're planning to expand the game during the summer months and add more content :) We'll look into the bug you encountered, thanks for letting us know!
P.S.: Have a great time playing WitchHand ;D