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looks cool from what I could do, but seems like you have a major control scheme problems. I couldn't reassign keys correctly, it would assign some random key.  It would not let me restore defaults.  Many times I couldn't figure out how to go to the next screen or confirm.  When I got to Choose Character I could click the CONFIRM button but nothing happened I couldn't get by that screen so I had to quit.

Hi Jon,

Could I ask which keys you assigned? Did the controls menu just reassign the key to another random key or was it completely blank?

well I was trying to assign SPACE to jump... looks like you can't reassign that?  I was also trying to assign to SHIFT and CTRL but it wouldn't let me.


I just tried binding control keys to SPACE/SHIFT/CRTL, and I can confirm that it does not work. I'll be sure to fix it asap. 
Thank you for bringing this bug to my attention!