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after playing most of your games i was ready to find another hidden gem in deadly desires and i got exactly what i expected <3

the pacing of the narrative is great, the intro really sets the tone of the story and allows the player to immerse themselves in the story and the main character's situation, the dialogues are interesting and mature without coming across as too heavy or silly, the music and art really accompany every scene with accuracy, the mc is allowed to be cold or gentle depending on the type of relationship the player wants to build, when erys gets mean the mc reacts accordingly without tolerating any bs.. the only downside i find is that the demo is too short and i need more of the story and erys 😭 (also, i haven't gotten all the endings yet but i think it'd be nice to have one where the mc sort of fights back if erys tries to steal their emotions maybe, it could add a lot of drama and spice 👀)

the demo was a super pleasant experience so i will be eagerly waiting for new updates 💕

For starters, thank you so much for playing most of my games <3  I’m glad the demo for this wasn’t a disappointment :D 

I’m so glad you think the music and art work so well with the project as a whole :3 LPB and I are generally on the same wavelength when we work together, but I felt as though we really managed to nail the atmosphere we were going for in this, so it’s nice to have that confirmed from an outside perspective!

Hopefully, the full game will end up being satisfying :3

I’m not sure exactly when we will manage to finish the full otome version because I currently don’t have a PC to work on and won’t be getting on until the end of August >.< so that’s already gone and put a big dent in my personal schedule and plans, haha. And LPB is very busy with stuff herself. As soon as I get a new PC though, it’s what I’ll be working on ^-^

I don’t know if you will have gotten more endings by now or not, and I don’t wanna say too much in case of accidental spoilers, but there’s 1 in the demo that (sort of but not exactly) goes along those lines, haha. And what I will say is that in the full game, there are definitely paths that show more of Loni’s feisty side :D

So glad you had fun with the demo anyhow! Thanks so much for checking it out & for leaving such a sweet comment!! :3