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(1 edit)

An issue that reloading solved but still annoying...

I was in the desert, had moved to where an oasis was, but after a fight I couldn't move anywhere. I could still do encounters (harpies) but couldn't go anywhere. Reloading solved that issue, but it was still jarring. 

Hoping down the road I'll be able to date Linda! Or, barring that, find something that Linda will take, everything I had was "not interested" except the meat parasites, which was "that is the WORST thing you can give me!"

Give her cheese and milk, she quite enjoys those. Theres also special interactions for your cheese and your milk too.

I'll look into it!

Will certainly be able to date Linda at some point!

Are you able to replicate this desert bug? Next time it happens, can you send me the save file with it?

I haven't as of yet, but if it does happen again, where are the save files located? (Windows

Right here!: Windows: C:\users\(username)\AppData\Local\UserData\Default\Lust Doll Plus

Thanks, appreciate it!

Haven't been able to replicate it, but I THINK it was because I changed maps and was immediately attacked by a harpy, like the changing of the map plus the battle glitched it.

Found out that if you are anything, 17 (like -3,17) and go south it immediately puts you back at the entrance to the map, 20 there's no X,18.also found a cave that had zilch in it, like you plan on putting something there eventually.

Hmm, okay. I'll try adding something and see if that fixes it. Let me know if it's still a problem in r64.

It's actually intentional for the player to end up back at the entrance by going far enough south.

All the caves actually do have something in there, but it just might not have spawned for you yet maybe? What's the coordinates of the cave?

hello, excuse me, please, what phone games do you have for android?