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DP&G can be caught in any order but you'll need all three before going after Arceus, also I don't think I ever said that P&D would be in the lakes, I've always planned for them to be in Mt Corenet

Giratina I'm starting with the place it was in for diamond and pearl, then shifting to the distortion dimension halfway through, so it references both ways you could find it originally.

I'd be happy to hear your idea for Giratinas fight, I might be able to work it in

(5 edits)

The lakes thing might have been from me. When I was making my predications and explaining why the lake trio was with Dawn my explanation was that they all moved to Mesprits lake because Dialga and Palkia moved to the other ones. I think I did that because it doesn't make sense for them to both be at the sky pillar because if that was the case why are you only going after one and not both. Perhaps there was something about Mt Corenet I didn't know and Dialga and Palkia appear in different parts of the mountain but you would know better then me. Also Arceus is in an area above the Sky Pillar so those three being so clumped up seems a little off. Don't feel pressured to change from your plan because of what I'm saying here though. You know better then me about specifics of these games. 

Edit: In your reply to that you said the phrase "...yes, for that exact reason,..." which while the rest of the quote isn't you saying D&P are at the other lakes, it can easily make someone think you mean that. 

I will admit, I sometimes say things and then forget I said them, so if I did at some point imply that D&P were going into the Lakes then I apologize for the confusion.

My current plan does involve both of them AND Arceus being on Mt Coronet but I do have an idea ready to make it work, them being the Gods of Time and Space gives me plenty of room to work them in