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Despite not having a sprite of her own, Bee has a personality and I appreciate that.

I actually liked the "Mom finds out" ending best, it was the first I got and the abruptness of it was a little shocking. When other "X finds out" endings followed I got the feeling the game has the potential to explore how it might feel for someone queer to fear being discovered, and things like that.

Also, I tried to tell Vida but was cut short XD, I wish that was a real option.

Perhaps a more readable font could help people get engaged more quickly.

Liked the game very much <3


Thank you for letting us know your thoughts! 

This story is just a snapshot of an originally novel-length story I was writing, which I reworked into a more manageable form for the month-long jam. So I definitely see what you mean when you say you find some of the endings abrupt. 

Vida, Bee, and Karis appear in another interactive story I'm currently working on, so this might not be the last you see of them! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to play this game! 


eyes emoji at your current project!


I've been meaning to play "The Dark" for a while now. It's on top of my to-play list! 


Oh lmao don't worry about it taking a while, some of the games on my own to-play list have literally been there for 4 years :') life is busy!