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There is an original idea and some good level design in here. Great job!

You focused on offering a huge variety of gameplay, mixing up a few simple mechanics you've created a very interesting and unique platformer.

I'd say it's missing that "touch" which would make it slightly more attractive, adding some game juice always catches people's attention. Character animations, transitions between levels, some sort of narrative, some menu navigation...

Give it a try for your next game, user experience is crucial on the impression you give. People find games more fun when it's pretty and responsive, with fancy effects all over the place. 

Take this originality, mix it with some game juice and you've made a masterpiece ;)

(1 edit)

EthanCharlie (One of The Programers of this project) project) and I (The artist of this porject) Will be making a new version of this game ourselves with a different engine. here's a picture of the progress so far.