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(This comment has been copied and pasted from the above video in order to provide some insight to players here on

Thanks for all the feedback Neco! I'm glad you think it looks nice, I'd be sad if ya didnt cause visual art is my thing lol.
I'm gonna clear up some misconceptions and spill some beans.

First off... I'm not a team of people lol. I've been working on this in my little free time over the past 5 months. Crunching at it like a lunatic to get it out at 00:00 on Halloween. Stood up almost 2 days straight to finish it and was still 8 hours late.

The analogy to RE2R is correct, but not the one to RE7. Its inspired by how PT went FPS mode.

Definitely Blender.

Definitely won't be continued.

I never voice acted before and the lines were recorded in one take, while sleep deprived lol. Yeah it sucks but the game wouldve been too flat without it. The cursing was something I now see I kind of abused. Didnt mean to be edgy but, more realism. I'll update it out. I dont think Harry had much of a personality to begin with, so I added some (too much) flare. He DID say what the hell a lot though so I just stretched the concept a little too far. As a father myself I'd be losing my shit even worse in this situation I would think, definitely cursing unnecessarily (When is it actually ever necessary though? I think this situation is a GREAT example of when its ok lol). Also, in the book (which an english translation of can be found by looking up DUCKYS SILENT HILL TRANSLATION), Harry has more attitude and if I recall correctly swore lightly, like PG13 lightly. He also has his own pistol. I'd like to think he was still more of a badass. Being that he kept his shit together all the way through to the end of the game. Homie fought Samael (pretty much baphomet) and won.

Graphically I want all my games to intentionally have a weird combo of Gens. This was no different. The goal is to balance performance and a nice aesthetic.

And yeah no clicky doors. All physics. Will be doing that from here forward. Well, except for space doors.

As for legality, yeah I won't be allowed to continue this and I sadly accepted that from the beginning. But I LOVE the first Silent Hill to hell and back my friend. It contributed heavily to who I am today as an artist. I never intended to finish the whole game nor make money off it. The patreon is to support my original work, which I'm going to be revealing extremely soon.

Unless Konami changes their mind, we'll never get a true remake. This is just a little somethin somethin for the other fans like me. Not really the general audience.

I'm glad you like how it looks though, that was what I was looking for the most in reactions. I wanted to show what I'm capable of in an unorthodox game engine. Although I know very few people will understand the difference between unreal, unity, and blender, others will know of the blood, sweat, and literal tears I spilled in the wonderful 5 month journey of making this. I had a lot of fun. And it was intimate as hell getting so close to what it was like for team silent to build this nightmare.

Thanks for playing Neco! I've been following you on my other account for about a year now. It's awesome that you're the first to upload about this!