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That's so sweet of you to leave such a lovely comment!! :3 I'm really glad you like how it's turned out :D 

That main background for the story was one giant pain in the ass, haha. Well, the video version anyways cos I couldn't for the life of me get it to loop smoothly with the effects that I wanted to use on it, so I wound up having to try and cover the loop with the pulsing effect to make it less jarring >.< I guess it all worked out in the end though because it makes it look more alive, a bit like it's breathing and quivering x3

I'm also glad you like the looping nature of the story in general though cos I always worry that sorta thing could be considered annoying, haha. I tried to do something similar for my O2A2 project last year too, and I remember seeing someone play the game who thought it was finished when they got back to the title screen for the first time, and instead of pressing anything, they just force-closed the game T_T so there's that too, haha.

More importantly, though, I can't believe I missed some of your games!! Itch is supposed to notify me of that sorta thing since I'm following you :( I just saw that you released one for Winter VN Jam that's related to the Vamp Me! story from A Trick and a Treat, and I really need that in my life :D It's going straight on my list of things I need to get around to playing! All the Creeps of the Cosmos looks damn epic too!! I really need to actually start working through my backlog because there's so much I want to play >.<

Thank you for checking this one out and taking the time to write something so nice <3


Aw, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them when you get to them! <3 I gotta try out your Winter VN too!