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I just got to try the update but the same error with my current EXP being ---- is still occurring :'( ... Do you think I should try restarting the game?

Deleted 4 years ago

I've just updated the game with a new function for the debug menu called "reset background variables". If I'm right, then your EXP should be working normal again if you use that function!

oh cool thank you! How do you access the debug menu, is it in the game?


You have to press the "page up" key on the keyboard and a little menu should pop up!

gasp how have i never seen this before!! XD Im using mac so the button is different so I never tried this before

also i just tried resetting and it didn't work :'( It says "This command is used for resetting variables that have been used in a prior version of the game and now need to be updated" and after the exp still shows ------.


That the exp shows "-----" is normal, since your character has reached the highest level, meaning they can't earn more exp than that.
Try out if you can use the EXP for something now, if you can't, please tell me!

I just tried to get another desire but it still says my exp is too low...


I'm really not sure what's causing it then... I can't seem to recreate the bug.
Could you restart the game to tell me if it's still happening then?

ya ill do that and see!

yes restarting it now shows an EXP of 0 and the amount of EXP for the next level

Is it possible now after restarting to get new desires?

probably an issue with the old save files then