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I am a bit saddened by lack of controller support and it was difficult for me to control at times, but ultimately I sunk a few tries into the last boss and was able to prevail.

Maybe I missed the instructional text to tap right click to just throw a regular projectile but I didn't discover it until the cave area. Spark itself was great, had a nice risk/reward factor and you could bait a TON of enemies into it. It also did so much damage that I ended up kind of tanking the last boss via potions / attrition, after my dodging skills proved too feeble. Adding i-frames to the casting animation was an awesome touch which I abused a lot.

The boss' attack scripts felt like sometimes he would sit there and let you wail on him for a while, other times he was playing 4d chess and the player was a checkers piece. But that sharp uptick in challenge is my biggest gripe besides the control scheme.

Wonderful graphics and music to round out a very above average effort.


Thank you for taking the time to beat Reid!
You summarized my regrets with Reid's AI better than anyone else me included, that's great hehe.
Lots of people mentioned controller support for Voidskipper so I'll prioritize that better next time 💗