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OCT 19

Fixed level 20 event where the game can soft lock itself

Placed forgotten transfers to new level, whoops!

Cleaned up level 16 tileset for the ground. 

Updated level 20 3

Changed one little part of dialogue in an event. 

Also updated the script for it.

Cleaned up lvl 24 and fixed transitions for 2 events and added more dialogue to one event

Organizing images for art book

OCT 20-22

Organizing images for art book

Cleaned 1 pix tile that looked like it was missing a piece

OCT 23

Finished organizing images for art book

OCT 24

Worked on art book pdf

OCT 25

Working on the art book pdf

Tested pdf export of the art book on Mac and windows and they both work as intended and are really detailed when you zoom in. The cover however isn’t as detailed as I wanted it but it is as good as it can be.