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This is a fun old-school arcade game! I love the NES-style graphics and it's clear that you were very familiar with the aesthetics and design of games of that era. Everything from the balanced difficulty, the behavior of the enemies, the points-based scoring through enemy drops and hidden items, the encouraging replay message, and the existence of secret areas made it obvious that this was a really polished effort. In the end I got $14307, but this definitely was a game I kept replaying to finish! 

It's clear that you put a lot of effort into this game and it shows with the self-aware and detailed design of the game, and the immense fun it was to explore Charles' Mansion. (I get the pun, by the way!)

Thanks for submitting this game to the SCREAM JAM! 



Thanks! I'm really glad you appreciated it, I hope I can really do the original idea justice with an expansion to this version.

And wow, that's a pretty good score! Did you find the secret room? I think you can get $13500+ without it, but you'd have to be pretty lucky with the enemy drops.

Thanks for running the jam, this was a lot of fun!