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(1 edit) (+1)

Story Update:

So you know how I said I'm "almost done" with rewriting this one character I have. Well I was wrong, haha. I added a lot more things to this character that I'm writing, so it's gonna take a little longer than expected. Keep in mind when I say rewriting, I mean as in rewriting their ROLE system. I'll try to finish this character as soon as I can, so I can update the beta test on the battle system.    <3


Speaking of writing, do you write your stories physically or digitally?
I'm kinda new to story writing and I have decided that I will use a code editor to write the story of my game :D

I feel like that is a horrible idea but it just sounds so cool. lol

(1 edit)

I write them digitally.

I use Twine:

This is mainly for choose our own adventure stories though. 

Also code editor? You mean like you're gonna make your own program to help with writing your story or you're just writing your story in the editor? Not sure what you mean, but that does sound cool.


Code editors are just fancy text editors.
If you're interested, this guy wrote an entire article about why he prefers code editors for writing stories: