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Definitely want to upgrade it after the jam is over! Some sort of torch indicator is a great idea - low visibility is by design, but maybe i could have a small trail of light or something!

Darkness sleeps looks pretty cool, you definitely should continue it sometime :)

Yeah some kind of light trail would be neat, though i'm not sure how you'd do that :) Best of luck with further updates to the game!

Thanks for the kind words on Darkness Sleeps. Definitely something I want to get back to.


Well, i already draw a line from one node to another (player to enemy for the ray weapon), so drawing a line from player to nearest torch would actually be super simple! The challenge would be making it a fancier trail rather than just a line, but im sure theres something i could tinker with!

Sounds like you got it figured out! Not sure how you're making your lights, but maybe you could throw that same thing into a particle system or something for the trails? I dunno :) Best of luck!


Thanks! I somehow feel this wont be the last you see of me 😂

Always like hearing from my "regulars" when they put out something new :D