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A bit late with the feedback, but although there's been a 'mystery drought', the mysteries themselves are kind of fitting back together. The overarching plot really has moved forward, and that ending... I kind of felt it wouldn't be so simple, but it was still rough after so much effort, suspense, intrigue...

There were a lot of good lines and jokes here, whether they were about a charming Method, or the boisterous benefits of maturity; but I felt quieter chapters like this helped the pace of the plot immensely.

Seeing Ashdown struggle with (possibly) being wrong, and both Ashdown and Woes deciding on the events of the chapters' close - yeah, it was a good pace. I really like the killer's alias, too.

The CG was great, and I think the title card for 41 might be my favourite so far - I mean they're all great, but... It really conveyed the chapter so well.

Speaking of CG, once things have quieted down a bit on my end, I plan to go and replay the game at about, oh, chapter 50 or so; I'm open to suggestions on when to give it a go. I'll be looking forward to comparing some of the changes and revisions; glad I've been able to be a part of it so far!


Oh wow, well if you catch anything I need to fix on the replay let me know! I've been planning to replay it myself to make sure everything's consistent.

I would say wait until Chapter 55 — because that's when all of the chapters I originally wrote will have been adapted, and I might take a week off to make sure I've got everything properly planned out for the remaining 45 chapters. :)


That sounds perfect to me; I'm looking forward to it, and I'll let you know if I find anything off - not that I expect to. :) I will be lookin' forward to it, though! It'll help me kick the inevitable post-halloween slump, hahaha!