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Thanks so much for playing. I am gonna have to take a look into performance. Haven't really spent a lot of time. I have RX570 so it totally confuses me. hahaha
It does help for sure. I'm thinking it might be something else actually but still system related. The AI bug is consistent but I'm getting different feedback on performance.
My honest guess it's my code. hahaha

(4 edits)

I've tried 10 times to attach a image and some references to it but itchio kept bugging, but basically i don't think it has to do with the code, but the engine's/scene's lighting and shadow settings. 

For a game like this you could turn down the resolution of shadowmaps and still achieve a nice effect with some performance boost, but i'm not a UE dev so i can't guide you for that, sorry.
Also, since you have a lot of static stuff in the scene, maybe you could use mixed shadows instead of fully real time illumination, so you'd bake the lighting for all objects that are meant to stay in place, but still have real light illumination and shadows of moving objects affect them. 

Another setting that comes to mind is the amount of light bounces, and toning that down can greatly improve performance. But as mentioned, I'd be best if you can find some tutorial or someone to guide you about how to achieve that in UE, since i've no clue where even the settings are. 

And last but not least, in case UE has a equivalent to this in Unity, Unity has a checkbox in the gameobject properties that allows you to mark them as static. Any object in which I enable that for, will be skipped by the physics engine, also helping with performance. You may want to look into this as well, just in case it has such an option.

I hope it helps, cheers :)

That definitely helps.
Unity and Unreal are different engines but there are certian fundamental things/tools/systems, that are you could say the base templates for any engine.
I just have to find the equivalent of what your are talking about in unreal. The static objects for example we have on the lights, static, moveable etc. 
I really do appreciate the feedback, These are the kind of things I still need to delve into and learn and your feedback helps me know where to look. :)


You're welcome, i understand that because i've had a similar issue, and sometimes knowing the keyword even if from a different tool leads you to find the correct one for yours :D