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Hello there!

I just wanted to say something, even though I'm game developer, I don't play games often, but if there is something that I have learnt over the past years is that, video games which use unique or underrated words & sentences tend to stay more memorable. For example "Quota", "+Respect", "Endoskeleton" & etc...

When you hear these words, usually a game comes up in your head. It's because you don't usually hear these words anywhere else. In this case, when you hear the word "ACT", the first thing that comes to mind is Undertale. This is why I think you should choose another name for this system. Because if people play your game, they're gonna notice that it has been heavily referenced from Buckshot Roulette and Undertale, and if they see that your game uses the same set of words as the other two, they may think that your game is a parody or a ripoff.

Obviously, your game is none of that. It has really unique elements and it should not be remembered as that.

What I want to say is that, It is helpful for a indie game to be compared to bigger titles but if you stick your brand to these titles too much, it may completely vanish your brand.

This is just my suggestion, but as a friend who likes to see you succeed, I think it would be healthier for your game if you mention these big titles less, or compare it to a different title, each devlog. And also, use the name of your game more often in these devlogs, because even I don't remember what it's called.

In summary & in my opinion, if you want to make a career out of game development, you should care about your brand and your image.


Thanks, this is something I've debated in my head actually so I'm glad you said that. The reason I didnt change the name was because I was scared of people saying that I'm just trying to be unique by calling it different. This is one of the criticisms I've heard about the PS5 game Returnal, for changing some of the names that we all know in video games like XP or HP.

The video in question. Skip to 3:46:

Admittedly it's sort of understandable why he said that. We all played games where we use XP to the point where we all instantly know what it is. That's why I've been debating about it. That's also why I couldn't decide on whether I should just copy buckshot roulettes items or give them a makeover, so I did... both options.

BUT, I will take what you said into consideration, since the only game I know that uses "ACT" is Undertale. Overall, I just need to think about it.

What do you think about my items too? Should I change or keep them?

Well, it's your choice but I think it would be better if there wasn't any overlapping items between your game and Buckshot Roulette. It's okay if they have the same functionality but in my opinion, they should at least have a different look and name.