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This is an absolutely great demo! Enjoyed it all the way through. 

However, at the scene where the main character is sleeping under a blanket in front of the big Rose Door, right after the boss fight, the game crashes (see screenshot). Everytime I get to that scene the game crashes, but not always at the same time. I'm playing on Demo mode and through the desktop app, if that helps.

Other than that, I encountered no bugs and I definitely intend to donate to the kickstarter when it comes out.

Scene where the game crashes.

Thank you for letting me know! I know someone else had a soft lock issue here. Was there a crash report like the one yanalao posted below or did the game just freeze? If there was a report I would really appreciate a screenshot if you wouldn't mind loading it up again! Otherwise that is THE final scene so you didn't miss too much, but regardless I'm sorry you didn't get to finish it! Thanks for the report and kind words, working every day to fix this stuff!

There was no crash report, the game just froze. 


Okay thank you! It seems that this happens when running the game from the desktop app (tried it myself a few times and every time it froze). However just downloading the file and running the application by itself, I can't replicate the crash. So the good news is - if you still haven't seen the ending, you can just download the ZIP above and extract it like normal, load your file, and you should be able to watch it! I'm still working on fixing this problem in an update so hopefully that won't take too long!