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Curious about "No AI Tools"

A topic by ScienceJ created Jan 05, 2024 Views: 51 Replies: 1
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I am curious about the rule "No AI Tools".
What exactly does that mean? Is it a full stop, no AI at all, or does it "simply" mean, dont use AI to generate your game, but perhaps allows assets?

In an industry that requires groups of people to create games, AI scripts may be able to assist in creating some elements, is this againts that rule.

Also, data management, suppose I built a game from scratch, and I would want some NPC's, and I have a script that can generate them in an Excel spreadsheet, where I import them manually.

Stay awesome.


Hey! thanks for asking. So yes it would be more the latter.  Really, we just don't want people generating games or using AI tools that were trained off plagiarized art.  So things like data management u would be all good to use it in those cases.  

In the future if you want to use a tool and are unsure if it is cool then just ping us in the discord and share the link and we will advise further.