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A jam submission

No Other MedicineView game page

A visual novel about stress, friendship, and the horrors of grad school
Submitted by Jane Titor (@parttimestorier) — 1 day, 12 hours before the deadline
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While the “fresh start” in this story may be more implied than directly shown, both characters are unhappy with their lives and considering making changes to them; the beginning of this new friendship might be what they need to help them move forward.

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Thank you very much Jay! I'm really glad the judges liked my VN. :) I've made a twitter account and added it to my profile now.

Jam Host

Hey Jane, congrats on placing as one of the winners of the tyranobuilder spring game jam.

We are getting the winners information together and need to get some details from you, in order for us to know we are getting in touch with the right person, could you please link a twitter account to your account so that we can private message you?