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Code is divided into two GDscripts. 1st Script extends Node2D var e=preload("res://E.tscn") var s=0 var d=false func _physics_process(_d): if !d: $P.move_and_slide(Vector2(Input.get_action_strength("ui_right") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_left"),0) * 400) func _T(): var n=e.instance() n.position=Vector2(rand_range(0,360),5) add_child(n) func _L(b): get_tree().paused=true $N.visible=true func _P(b): b.queue_free() s+=1 $S/S.text=str(s) func _R(): get_tree().paused=false get_tree().reload_current_scene() 2nd Script: extends KinematicBody2D func _physics_process(_d): move_and_slide(Vector2(0, 100))
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It’s funny, the web version crashes X server for me for some reason. Other web Godot games I tried work fine. Though I have very old GPU, so I can’t complain I guess. Maybe you could switch to OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer, since this game doesn’t make use of additional graphic features anyway.
Oh, right. That is why it was crashing on my old system too and couldn't figure out why. I'll try changing the render. Thanks for the suggestions. 🤘🏻