This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-05-04 15:00:00 to 2020-05-11 04:00:00. View 69 entries

It's the fourth biannual TweetTweetJam! Make a game in 560 characters of code.

Why 560? Because you don't always need a ton of code to make something fun. Because sometimes it's nice to scale back. But mostly because it's the length of two tweets. PICO-8 is our recommended tool, but TIC-80 and other text-based engines will work as well!


  1. Your final game code must be 560 characters or less. This includes spaces and brackets, but doesn't include the code composing your framework or engine.
  2. No spritesheets or external art libraries allowed! All of your game art must fit into your code. Symbols such as 웃 and ★ are acceptable, as long as they work in your editor and can be included in a tweet!

If you need some inspiration, check out these pages for inspiration:

PICO-8 Tweet Games, compiled by Paul Nicholas.

TweetTweetJam Entries

TweetTweetJam 2 Entries

TweetTweetJam 3 Entries


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Browser playable (66)
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The classic Apple ][ game of dodging and climbing -- can you beat the record?
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Fly through the city in this Spiderman-inspired action game. How many flagpoles can you clear before going splat?
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like tetris, but... you know... weird
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Align all planets in less than 560 characters of code.
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A single tweet piano program for TweetTweetJam4
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An attempt to demake "Rocket League" in just 560 chars/bytes, for #TweetTweetJam 4
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control the global stonks market
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A tiny demake of the classic bloons flash game
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Avoid the lines that are closing in. Move with the arrows, retry with X. Made for TweetTweetJam6
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A story of immanent fail in less than 560 chars.
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Create attraction points ad speed up you home world as much as you can
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Fun little fidget game built for TweetTweetJam4
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How far will you go through the tunnel before crashing?
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A dungeony-collecty-survivaly type game made in just 560 characters for TweetTweet Jam 4.
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Climb stairs, jump over everything that moves, reach the top left of the building...
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Test your lightsaber skills with this fast paced action game!
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You're trapped in a labyrinth, find the exit!
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Keep your car on track and try to get as far as possible before time is over.
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Liquidream's "Ballz are Lava" in 560 chars: grab gren dots, avoid red one.
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Submission for Tweet Tweet jam 4
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Demaking a Familiar Fighting Franchise
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A tiny game of action and accuracy, written for #TweetTweetJam 4
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like asteroids
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A falling sand game in less then 560 characters of code
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contain the spread
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A tiny treasure hunting game
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A TIC-80 shooter in fewer than 560 characters of source code
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Tiny golf game written in 560 characters for TweetTweet Jam 4
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Wander a tweet-sized garden and tend it as you please.
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A game in 560 characters of code!
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A two tweet game about friendship
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really simple, just escape the red blocks with your mouse
For TweetTweetJam 4
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A fully playable version of tetris in two tweets.
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Hit the arrows before time runs out!
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another perspective of regular pong
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lazer beams got deadly nowadays
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A minimal but solid solo tic-tac-toe made in 557 chars.
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A single tweet paint program for TweetTweetJam4
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Maths can be useful!
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Recreating the Security Access Tuner from Alien Isolation in under 560 characters
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A <560 Character Game Made For #TweetTweetJam
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The classic Tron lightcycle game in a single tweet
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A simple endless runner. You have to invert gravity to skip the deadly spikes. Speed gets faster and faster.
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Bounce the incoming squares by matching their color
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tweetweetjam 4 submission
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Created for TweetTweetJam 4
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A hectic shooting game in a single tweet
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Move your robot left/right and avoid the deadly bouncing balls!
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regular hoops created with funny number of chars
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Test your brain multiplication speed and increase many cents your current IQ with this state-of-the-art math quiz game.
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snake in under 560 characters of code
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Pico-8 560 characters game designed for tweettweetjam-4
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Jump from a floating log to another, avoid falling into the water and collect stars.
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A Tweetcart based on the game OLDTV
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proc-gen snake game for TweetTweetJam
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Pong for TweetTweetJam4
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Tron style game for TweetTweetJam4
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"To defeat the paisley, you must become the paisley."- Midnight Oil
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pacifist space harrier for pico8 in 2 tweets!
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pico 8 game for tweet tweet jam, uses 558 characters of code
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Get a tall hat! Code fits in two tweets!
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An OutRun clone for TweetTweetJam 4
A simple typing game that fits in two tweets
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