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Chloe Snow published a music 1 year ago
A downloadable music.
Soundcloud link
Nick Schuitemaker published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
A compilation of all Town Music Jam entries so far. For all the music counts, the sheet music is provided. Not to play (as it is not in that good of a state), but to see how I made it. For those interested! ---------------------------------...
BibiXP published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack for Windows.
Entry into the Town Music Jam 2 using the theme Photosynthesis City! :3 --- Welcome to the flower powered city, because who said being powered off of solar power meant you had to lose aesthetics? It might be a strange city, some even live i...
wingzeromusic published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
Spaced out Firefly Town vibez.
thedemi published a asset pack 1 year ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Listen to Firefly Town by Bit Romney on #SoundCloud
Breakfish published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
This song was made for the town music jam #2 with the theme of firefly town.
Volantix published a asset pack 1 year ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Firefly town is where the medieval melds into the industrial, a place where glowing spirits pause at the chime of the town bell. Photosynthesis City bustles with a rhythm all its own. Climb aboard the solar tram and see what this futuristic...
Selkione published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
Freezy Flavourville and Melty Vanillage are sister cities. Freezy Flavourville ostensibly displays all the ice cream flavors it has. Everything is plethoric. And the icing on the cake is that the weather is mild, yet nothing melts. As for M...
Phunkypantz published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A browser soundtrack made in HTML5.
Relaxing vibe, for a town near a lake with tons of fireflies at night
worm_jar published a soundtrack 1 year ago
Y. Xiang published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
HatMad published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
My very first game jam submission! (Well, I suppose it would be called a music jam...) I tried to stray away from the classic Animal-Crossing vibe that many were doing, anyway, this track was heavily inspired by Deltarune's "A CYBERS WORLD?...
Andrew.Pierce.2032 published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
This is a collection of three songs created for Town Music Jam #2 An isolated town with minimal resources, utilizing science to live in harmony with nature, forced to meet violence with violence in turn to defend their way of life. 24 bit W...
TheSnowly published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
WELCOME TO CREAMEA Welcome to Creamea, a spot for novice ice cream adventurers to rest before a great adventure! You can visit the various shop like the weapon store where Choka the chocolate scoop forge her finest deadly swords, or even th...
Carel van Hemert published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
A town illuminated by the glow of a thousand fireflies, as they twirl and float around the dozens of houses, nestled in the forest. ~~ (Cover image by Scott Thigpen Fireflies in the North Georgia Mountains)
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