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Car-CassView game page

Submitted by BugRulez04 — 10 hours, 57 minutes before the deadline
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How would you rate this game?#153.1043.400

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Who is on your team or helped with your game?
BugRulez04 (Me)

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(2 edits)

Really like how this one looks! The low-fi dithering effect is cool, and a short render distance always keeps me on edge. The idea of having to repair a car is also neat, and a car-themed monster feels fitting.

That said, the monster itself fails to be intimidating. Its height makes it easy to spot from a distance, and then all you have to do is run diagonally in wide arcs around it, and you're golden. The interiors of the different houses are way too small for you to feel trapped inside them, so there really isn't any fear of being cornered. It's honestly a waste; the design of the monster is neat, but you can barely see it. The startling engine noise it makes only activates at a very close distance, so a player is very unlikely to hear it.

Still, it's a decent, perfectly serviceable (hah, pardon the pun) game. Good job!


Hi, thanks for playing!!

I'm glad you liked the style I was going for, it's the first time I've attempted this kind of PS1 style visuals. Definitely a learning curve, but it's nice to see that it paid off! The concept of the car repair was inspired by the fact that I've been working on cars a lot here recently as a sort of hobby, and the car themed monster was an idea I've had for a while now, I thought I'd just combine the two and see where that would go.

I agree with you whole heartedly about the monster though. It was my first time creating an AI, and I wanted to try to make it as unique as I could. I've gotten some wonderful suggestions on how to improve it, and hopefully in a future update it'll be a little harder than just running diagonally lol. I feel as though if I make him a little more expressive he might be a bit more intimidating as well. 

I'll keep the visibility of the monster in mind, the original plan was for the game to take place in a warehouse of sorts, however a spur of the moment decision led me to just making it a forest, which is why the lighting is kind of lackluster and almost an after thought. 

As for the engine noise, I'm genuinely surprised you encountered it. This was also my first time using Godot's sound system, and with how I had my scenes set up, I couldn't get the audio to work at all, which is why he makes no sound normally. The loud engine sound is a remnant of that, and doesn't trigger properly at all. 

As for the houses, yeah they aren't the best. I really wanted them all to act as a unique puzzle, but due to time constraints I had to leave them pretty bland. Because the houses were so small, I decided not to allow the monster to go in them because it would be an instant death if he could. This is something I would really like to fix now that you've mentioned it! 

Thank you so much for leaving a comment, it really means a lot! Hopefully in a future update I'll fix a lot of these problems!

A solid little Slender-like which I'm always glad to see.

I was pleasantly surprised by the design of the monster, managed to make a really cool looking machine-creature with distinct features despite the visual limits of the low-poly style. Only gripe would be that, if I didn't intentionally go back and let it get me, I might have never seen it. I'm not sure if there was anything that changed its speed or behavior as more pieces were picked up, but it seemed incredibly easy to avoid throughout the whole playthrough.

I also really liked how you mixed up where in each structure the parts were located. At first I thought it would be too easy and straightforward, just follow each light and grab a part, but when I started finding them inside the structures, with the one that had me having to find the trapdoor and popping up in an otherwise inaccessible house actually stumping me for a bit.

The one aspect that did provide some definite tension was having to re-assemble the car one part at a time which inevitably forced me to be in one place long enough for the monster to catch up. Though it was pretty easy to kite away, buying me some breathing room, the little detail of having to open the hood to place the last couple parts meant I couldn't simply run by it, slapping parts on as I went which helped give the last moments a real sense of urgency.

All-in-all, a fun experience!


Thank you so much for playing!!

I'm glad you liked the design of the monster! It was my first attempt at making a model in the low poly style. I'm hoping to make him a little more expressive in a future post jam update. As for his  behavior, no he doesn't speed up after each part... but I love that idea! and will probably implement something similar in the future update. 

I was worried that people were going to have a hard time with finding the trap door, in hindsight I should've put it closer to the blocked off entrance of the first house that way it was a little more obvious that it's something you should look for.

I'm really happy you enjoyed it! This is my first game I've ever actually "completed" and published, it means so much to have such kind words and great criticisms/suggestions. Thanks for commenting!! 


I read the comments and knew that this is the dev's first game with enemy AI. Given that I am a baby player who complain about everything all the time, feel free to take these suggestions or leave it be.

  • I remember that the enemy showed up as soon as I picked up the first item; if there is a system that the player needs to learn, I suggest it is better for them to complete the first task (putting in the first fragement) before chasing them down. 

Note: the instant enemy chase worked in another entry because the control = the tasks that the player had to perform was more simple and instinctive. 

  • The enemy ended up camping at the car and I couldn't approach it. It had gone to the point where I could pick up things at the outer part of the map, but when I came back to the center, it started chasing me and won't let me go to the vihicle.
  • Adding a sound or some indicator to the enemy will allow the player to track it down easier. I am not sure if the dev put a sound on the enemy because I didn't hear anything coming from it when I played.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

I wish I would've had time to get some people outside of the jam to play test with the enemy AI, I was kind of concerned that people wouldn't be able to handle it very well since I had no real way of explaining/showing it in game other than to just throw the enemy right at you. If I update this game post jam, I'll be sure to fix this issue.

As for the enemy camping the car, I hadn't experienced that in my initial play test of the game. It's fascinating reading what people have to say about the enemy and his behaviors, one person said they didn't see the enemy at all during their playthrough. My best guess is that since the enemy's behavior is so simplistic, the enemy was attempting to track you through the car which caused him to build zero momentum to get around the car, which just left him there. I have some ideas to fix this in the future.

There was an attempt to add sounds, I couldn't figure out the audio stream player 3D node in time. He has sounds in the game files, hopefully post jam I can fix that as well. He does have a sound though, and it triggers incorrectly. If you bait him into a tree and he gets stuck for long enough you'll hear him lol. It's actually supposed to play whenever he begins charging at you, but the code for the enemy is a mess and I'll need to redo the enemy completely.

Thanks for playing!!


Fun little game, with a cool Slender vibe.

I found the visual filter a bit too strong for my tastes, and I think I would have felt bad if the game was longer, sadly.
And I think the game glitched when I tried it, 'cause I saw the creature after finding the first item, managed to outrun it, and then it never appeared again, even in the distance. So either it disappeared/had some issue, or I'm very great at that game, which would be surprising.

Thought, even with that, the ambiance worked pretty well.
I especially liked the shape of the small trees, because they looked like the monster, so I had some stress moments from seeing a sapling.

Besides that, it plays nicely, I had no issue doing what I wanted, and felt in control of my character, so it's pretty cool.

Overall, I had a good time, if a bit short.


Thanks so much for playing!

This is the first time I've messed with Enemy AI and visual filters, so I'm sorry that they were a little lacking. My initial idea for the creature's behaviors was to have him follow you around slowly, and if he gets too close then to charge at you. Unfortunately I think I just made the map too big, which is why he seemingly disappeared during your playthrough. If he got stuck, you would've heard him due to a bug I wasn't able to fix in time lol

Thanks so much for the kind words and feedback!