Really like how this one looks! The low-fi dithering effect is cool, and a short render distance always keeps me on edge. The idea of having to repair a car is also neat, and a car-themed monster feels fitting.
That said, the monster itself fails to be intimidating. Its height makes it easy to spot from a distance, and then all you have to do is run diagonally in wide arcs around it, and you're golden. The interiors of the different houses are way too small for you to feel trapped inside them, so there really isn't any fear of being cornered. It's honestly a waste; the design of the monster is neat, but you can barely see it. The startling engine noise it makes only activates at a very close distance, so a player is very unlikely to hear it.
Still, it's a decent, perfectly serviceable (hah, pardon the pun) game. Good job!
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