Excellent game. Seeing unreal blueprints on the pc was the coolest, hahaha
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Post-Existence's itch.io pagePlease, mention every team member and consider adding links to social media.
1, Just me
Any special indications? Anything else you want to tell players?
2, NO
This has a lot of potential! It took me a little bit to get a feel for how to complete challenges (I think I ran headlong into the black blob of doom 4 or 5 times before I finally found the bathroom!). You had me very curious about the meta story, and what exactly the data cubes were preserving! I also got stuck trying to find the "Counting" datacube for Level 3 access. Even with the hint of "a dark place on the bottom floor" I couldn't manage to run into it.
Even though it's not as finished as you'd like, there are some neat things happening in here! I was enjoying the picture-puzzle unlocks, and every time I found a DataCube, I was excited to find out what terribly creepy short story would be in this one. I admit I wanted very badly to open The Gate and see what was inside!
Oh man, that was a very confusing experience =D I tried to finish it but was stuck on finding the last cube for getting L3 access. The whole idea is intriguing, but it's marred by confusing gameplay.
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