Very interesting use for the camera. Interesting level design. I had some difficulty staying on certain platforms, but otherwise I had a good time playing this. Nice job!
This was a very interesting approach to using Core. Have not seen very many side scrolling games let alone ones that rotate the view as your progress to different areas.
Love the camera turns and nice animated enemies. Sometimes, hard to see if you actually hit the enemies and do damage (think that's a Core issue though and not yours), and occasionally, the trigger boxes of the spikes seemed a little merciless in difficulty, but overall, fun and creative!
Very interesting use for the camera. Interesting level design. I had some difficulty staying on certain platforms, but otherwise I had a good time playing this. Nice job!
This was a very interesting approach to using Core. Have not seen very many side scrolling games let alone ones that rotate the view as your progress to different areas.
Love the camera turns and nice animated enemies. Sometimes, hard to see if you actually hit the enemies and do damage (think that's a Core issue though and not yours), and occasionally, the trigger boxes of the spikes seemed a little merciless in difficulty, but overall, fun and creative!
Way to reproduce a classic! Excellent camera work; great job!