WAD-Move, Space- Trans, R- Restart. A tiny game under the given prompt " c hain reaction ". 1 week assignment for Prototype studio, NYU game center. Instructor: Bennett Foddy
Love, Hate, Forget A puzzle game about meeting the wrong person at the right time, and meeting the right person at the wrong time. Inspired by Conway's Game of Life and Daniel Benmergui's Storyteller Hover on people - read their story Drag...
This game is based on a platformer prototype of the prompt "Chain Reaction" in NYU Game Center Prototype Studio class, for Week 2 assignment. Controls (keyboard): [A]/[D] to move [Space] to jump [S] to dive [LShift] to freeze [R] to restart...
WEEK 2 PROMPT: "CHAIN REACTIONS" FOCUS: An opaque but observable puzzle system Sparks is a risky idea. I was inspired by several of my colleague's projects last week that dealt with foreign languages and information asymmetry. I took those...
Two stand-up comedians are about to give their first show, are you the jerk that comes here to screw them up, or are you sent by their company's boss to make sure they get some good laugh? It's up to you. Oh, don't mind those audiences. Wee...