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Sivad's Sanctum published a Playset for POPCORN 4 years ago
A downloadable Playset for POPCORN.
You’re a young professor teaching archaeology at an upstate university between two Great Wars. What you lack in teaching experience, you make up for with your dashing good looks and social graces. The students idolize you as a teacher, bu...
floatingchair published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
THE FINAL SCORE is a playset based on the One Last Job trope for the RPG POPCORN You are at the top of your game. You’ve got a crew that backs you up, but they might not always get along. After spending years on your craft, having ups and...
Shane Long published a Playset for POPCORN 4 years ago
A downloadable Playset for POPCORN.
STOWAWAY is a sci-fi horror playset for the RPG POPCORN You are a group of misfits, outlaws, and guns for hire eaking out a living on the rough edge of the galaxy. You crew a ship that’s barely held together, spit and elbow grease are the...