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Late to the party

A topic by Beth and Angel Make Games created Apr 12, 2023 Views: 56 Replies: 3
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OMG I just came across this jam and I love it so much, but there's no way I'll be able to make anything for it. I really hope that others do, though, as the concept of bringing these games as examples with you AND the idea of making games in fields that one isn't an expert in are both especially epic.

- 鉁˙eth


Hi Beth! I'm so glad you like the idea!! Feel free to share far and wide. I can also extend the date. My presentation isn't until April 20th, but I may create a jam with a longer duration afterward to continue the idea. :)


I'd love that! I'd definitely be up for coming up with something sometime after April :D And I've absolutely shared about the jam as I love the idea :)

- 鉁˙eth


YAY!!! Angel reminded me that we had a game from a couple of years ago that fit, so I uploaded it and entered it just in time 馃コ 

- 鉁˙eth