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Amaan published a game 1 year ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
In a night of reminiscing, connect the stars to retell the story of how the band StarTales came to be. Programmer ・ Amaan Game Designer / Writer ・ Cameryn Original Music ・ Kuukiko UI / Artwork ・ Diovek Secondary Writer / Proofreader...
A-Jar-Of-Peanuts published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Uh oh, You get isekai'd into a fantasy world after getting hit by a truck! You are told that in order to return home, you need to defeat the three Demon Lords that terrorize this alternate universe. But maybe there's a better more peaceful...
Stanwixbuster updated a Visual Novel 1 year ago
A browser Visual Novel made in HTML5.
Updated title and page content.
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Added platforms Windows, macOS. Set genre to Visual Novel. Set type to Downloadable.
Stanwixbuster published a Visual Novel 1 year ago
A browser Visual Novel made in HTML5.
Get the complete, remastered series You need to catch a criminal, and pursue a poet. You / will/ get both of them. You have to. Mouse click or enter/spacebar to progress. Click dialogue options to choose them, or simply choose not to respon...
aiub published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux.
As Time Goes By - By Your Side é um dating sim focado em quebrar estereótipos que são vistos dentro do gênero. Le personagem principal é alguém em uma jornada de autocuidado e autoconhecimento, querendo o melhor pra si. Em seus quase...